Meet The Team


Bluebell Rivers
Movement Therapist RYT- 500 (She/Her)*

Skyriver Shala Owner/Founder
Certified Pranayama Teacher
Healer for Healers through Sound
Mind Walking Guide
YogaKIDS+ Facilitator

My classes are deeply routed in the energy of Spirit. Uplifting your own beliefs and anchoring you deeper into your own faith, whatever that looks like for you. The physical benefits are a byproduct of this. These are classes that explore what it means to be human.

I specialise in healthy mobility that is sustainable using multi-planar play practices so you can move with ease for the long term. We lengthen and strengthen the tissues within the body using a system unique to Skyriver Shala. As a result- we calm the mind.

Our savasana stands out as one you will never forget. We have recently started training other healers (energy works, reiki practitioners) in the Skyriver System using our Prep (Body > Mind) and Pull (Mind > Body) process. Curious about this? Reach out!

*Certified in Hatha Yoga, Restorative, Naada, Pranayama, Level 1 Wall, Buti Yoga, Primal Flow, KAY yoga for Kids.
Teachers include Elizabeth Emberly, Richard Rosen, Donna Farhi, Ann Dyer, Dr. Mark Singleton, Dr. Baxter Bell, and Tami Robinson.


Woody Harrelson RYT- 0 (He/Him)

Support Person
Wooden, stiff, faceless

I have a passion for yoga and all it embodies. I am new to asana and I look forward to increasing my mobility.